Official Booking Page of Balapitiya Beach Hostel, Balapitiya

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Balapitiya Beach Hostel, Balapitiya, Sri Lanka

Balapitiya Beach Hostel - is located on the beach and is the ideal place to watch the sunset whilst enjoying a drink, we are also located close to the Madu River which gives you a whole new twist to your journey of the island. 10 minutes from the main town of Ambalangoda, Balapitiya beach hostel is located on the beach and is the ideal place to hang out whilst watching the sunset. We are also close to the Madu River, where an amazing boat ride safari awaits you. Being on the Galle Road, we are placed in between Hikkaduwa and Bentota and is the ideal place to top over at the start or end of your journey of Sri Lanka.


Balapitiya Beach Hostel,
586, Galle Road,
Balapitiya, Sri Lanka.

Check-in Policy

Check-in time: None

Check-out time: None

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We would like you to book directly at our website. Only then we can guarantee you these services.

  • Best available rate guaranteed
  • No hidden taxes & charges
  • Flexible cancellation policy
  • Exclusive offers & packages